Shiruku Mizuhiki

Shiriku Mizuhiki (Ruku) is a cautiously ambitious Hingan archer newly out in the world. Quiet, timid, deadly with a bow. Constantly fiddling with small things, perfectly content on her own.


Hingan archer, Raen that's family has been in service of (distinguished noble name here) for generations. Shiruku is quiet, calculating… Or so she wishes people to think. She's a way with the bow that is unmatched, but she isn't very bright. She wasn't capable of learning the same way as others, falling behind in all things save what she could do with her own two hands. She's able to craft some of the finest bows, whittle masterful wooden toys or statues. She could sew, knit, embroider or weave some of the most amazing things… but the bow still holds her love.(Below may change pending plots she will get into!)Her parent(s) dishonored the house, so all of her blood was put out on their asses. Shiruku as well, of course. She'd had a bit of a pampered life, even though she'd been trained perilously with a bow since she'd first been able to hold one. Shiruku is of age, so she is off on her own and no longer under the care of her family as she’s seen as capable of caring, fending, and protecting herself. As were all of her family having been of the same ilk. So her life is her own. She doesn't wish to restore her family's name, she's the chance to better herself. She picks things up better on the outside, and has found herself more capable. She's perfect supporting parties from the sidelines, deadly accurate with the bow... and has not had any close combat to date. So, she'd taken on mercenary quests. Not having any real worldly knowledge, nor actual battle experience. This is due to her learning handicap that no one was able to get around, and the fact that no real danger happened in Shiro/Kugane's walls.πŸβ—πŸPersonality:
She's still very quiet and timid, may or may not have some healing abilities. Still has traits with little crafting stuff and often loses herself in messing with little things like that. She may be quiet, but she’s almost always busy. Adventure hungry person. Cautiously ambitious.
She'd be a wood crafter by trade if she ever chose to pursue it. Though her capabilities don't stop there. She can sew, knit, embroider and weave, while having learned some goldsmithing. Crafts of the hands, normally using smaller and finer detailed tools brought out the best in her. (Dyslexia in a non-modern setting is a bitch for one lucky enough to have had the privilege of an education. Thus, why she excelled in tools of the hand and archery versus anything of the mind.)
Interacts with people:
Shiruku excels in support roles, and often is very mellow and helpful. Always mindful of others, quiet and doesn't offer her voice if not asked first. She's very formal, but learning to tone that down interacting with the populace as it's gotten some mixed reactions. Not much was expected of a slow archer, and this effected how she interacts with others.
Wants to get out and interact with people! See new places, things. The world if possible. Not many larger goals, as now all of her life is upended and she doesn't have the same restrictions or expectations.

OOC Info

● Writer is 21+ and I expect my roleplay partners to be the same.
● I love making friends with my RP partners - geeking out about characters and the story that we've set up is half the fun of writing!
● One-offs and short term roleplay is okay but what I'm really looking for is long-term plots and connections for my character.
● Dark and mature themes approved. Adventure, travel, romance, horror, intrigue... you name it. If uncertain, ask.
● I'm open to romance plots and ERP so long as it makes sense in the plot.
● You don't have to match my posts, but I'll lose interest if there's no effort.
● If the hooks that I've come up with don't really interest you but you still want to roleplay with Cassandra or another of my characters, just ask and we'll figure something out! I've versatile characters aplenty.
● As someone with multiple characters that are played in vastly different ways, I'm a versatile writer that has a love for anything.
● Lore-bending is not a deal breaker, but I'd like to attempt to abide by it as closely as I'm able.
Story-focused Roleplaying
Long-term RP Partners
Mature Themes
Narcissistic Players
Breaking the Lore
Overpowered Characters & Metagaming
I'm female in real life, happily married, and am not looking for anything save friendships out of character. This will be respected, or you'll have that option removed. I'm here to write, get into shenanigan's, and have fun. Now, that's enough about me, let's get into something I'm passionate about below!
I want something where characters, story, and plot will grow and develop. I want to actually be a party to the life something I create leads. I want to see them triumph and fail. I want to see them fall and scrape their knees, and see what it takes for them to get back up. I want to see how they effect and influence others, if they touch others lives. If they can change them, sway them. I want to write a story, I want to write a fictional person, and enjoy wherever it may lead. I can go a few lines to novella style, but do tend to normally mirror my partners/group. I also don't mind making a new character so long as a great story will follow.